Barnet Nursery Earns Prestigious Prem Aware Nursery Award in Collaboration with The Smallest Things Charity

In a heartwarming celebration of dedication and excellence, Bright Little Stars Nursery in Barnet proudly announced that it has been honoured with the esteemed ‘Prem Aware Nursery’ Award in partnership with the renowned charity, The Smallest Things. The achievement was commemorated with a joyous ceremony that brought together esteemed guests, parents, and staff, including the local Member of Parliament, Theresa Villiers, and The Smallest Things charity ambassador and Nursery parents, Melisa and Edwin.

The Prem Aware Nursery Award recognises nurseries that exhibit a deep commitment to providing outstanding care and support for premature babies and their families.

Karma, Nursery Manager expressed how “We are deeply humbled and immensely grateful to be bestowed with the Prem Awareness Award. This prestigious recognition validates our unwavering commitment to fostering awareness, providing support to our cherished families, and catalysing transformative changes that promise to profoundly shape the trajectory of early developmental milestones for our precious premature babies.”

Melisa Selvaratnam, Mummy to Oscar and ‘The Smallest Things’ charity Ambassador said “For me personally, knowing that my son and all the other children who share a similar difficult start in life, will benefit from such proactive support during these critical early years, brings a deep sense of comfort. Thank you so much Karma and to everyone at Bright Little Stars Barnet. Words truly can’t express my heartfelt thanks and eternal gratitude.”

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