Bright Little Stars Nursery in Stratford Celebrates Good Ofsted Rating

Bright Little Stars Nursery, a leading early years education provider in Stratford, is delighted to announce that it has received a Good rating following a recent Ofsted inspection on the 11th May 2023. This achievement reflects the nursery’s commitment to providing a nurturing and high-quality learning environment for children.

During the inspection, it was noted that “Children are relaxed and happy in this welcoming nursery. They develop good bonds with staff. Children generally behave well and like to do things for themselves, often demonstrating a can-do attitude.”

The report highlighted that “Babies demonstrate a strong exploratory impulse. For instance, they interact with a sensory board and giggle with delight when they touch and feel the different materials and objects displayed.”

Regarding toddlers, the report stated that “Toddlers explore their curiosity. They enjoy using their senses to smell, squeeze and describe the texture of lemon and mint. Staff provide language such as ‘squeeze’, ‘juicy’ and ‘tangy’.”

The report also mentioned that “Children are excited to use plastic knives to cut different fruits and vegetables in the home corner. This helps to develop their fine motor skills and independence skills.”

In terms of language development, the report highlighted that “Children’s language is developing well. Staff introduce children to new vocabulary and sing ‘we are painting’ when encouraging children to use a brush to paint their own hand. They provide language, such as naming the colours, and ask children questions to check their understanding.”

The report also commended the nursery’s focus on mathematical development, stating that “Staff place a focus on children’s mathematical development. Older children use mathematical language, such as ‘smaller’, ‘bigger’, ‘taller’ and ‘shorter’, to compare the height of different flowers.”

Furthermore, the report noted that “Some staff have high expectations of children’s behaviour and remind children to pick up toys and coats from the floor.”

The manager of Bright Little Stars Nursery was recognized for supporting staff development. The report mentioned that “The manager supports staff to develop their knowledge of child development and the early years foundation stage.”

Bright Little Stars Nursery prides itself on providing nutritious meals for the children. The report mentioned that “The nursery has a nutritionist who creates the menu, which changes seasonally to ensure that all children have access to healthy and nutritious lunches.”

The report also highlighted the support provided to children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. It stated that “Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. The nursery’s special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) works closely with parents and staff.”

“We are thrilled to have received a Good rating from Ofsted,” said Hollie Geddis, the Nursery Manager at Bright Little Stars Nursery. “This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff who strive to provide the best possible learning experiences for our children. We are committed to continuing our efforts to create a nurturing and inspiring environment where every child can flourish.”